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Westminster City School's Sixth Form is filled with "compassion"

14 March 2023

Being a Sixth Form student at Westminster City School is about so much more than just acquiring knowledge. Studying here prepares young men and women for future study and employment, combining academic excellence with guidance on applying to university and helping students to pursue their passion. We interviewed a number of our students in Year 12 who have shared their experiences of what it is like to study at Westminster City School’s Sixth Form.

Rajwinder (2)

Name: Rajwinder

Former Secondary School: Westminster City School

A Level Subjects: Maths, Economics and Sociology

Why did you choose to enrol at Westminster City School’s Sixth Form?

During my 5 years at Westminster City School, I experienced first-hand the healthy learning environment that is created for students who are a part of the school community; providing them with the opportunity to learn and excel. For this reason, I knew that joining the Sixth Form would be a good decision as the Sixth Form also offers a good range of Sixth Form pathways including Pathways to Medicine.

What are your future plans and aspirations?

My future plan is to go to university to study Accounting and Finance at the London School of Economics and Political Science or Imperial College London. I want to ensure that I make the best of all the opportunities that are available to me so that I can continue to learn and grow as a person.

How did you find the transition from secondary school to Westminster City School’s Sixth Form?

Studying three A Levels may be difficult in certain circumstances however staying on top of my work allowed my experience of A Levels to be enjoyable. For this reason, my Sixth Form journey at Westminster City School’s Sixth Form started very well. The key is to be prepared and develop good study habits that will be useful throughout the two years of studying A Levels.

What are your impressions of the Sixth Form?

As a student who attended Westminster City School from Year 7 to Year 11, I can say that the Sixth Form is a formal establishment that specialises and caters for the well-being of students, whilst offering an excellent education.

Why would you recommend prospective students to join Westminster City School’s Sixth Form?

Prospective students should join Westminster City School’s Sixth Form because they are guaranteed a good experience and a safe environment to maximise their educational potential.

What makes Westminster City School’s Sixth Form special?


One of Westminster City School’s value is compassion and I think it is extremely important for us to help each other on a continuous basis and this is something that I see at this school.

I demonstrate compassion by using my time to mentor a Year 10 student who is attending Westminster City School. I volunteer my time to do this so that he has the chance to develop during his time here.

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