Year 7 pupil reading Narnia

Apply Now - Year 7

Applications for Year 7 entry to Westminster City School in September 2025 can be submitted by completing the supplementary form at the end of this page.

Each year, applicants need to follow four simple steps to apply to join our School:

  1. Complete the online local authority application form for the borough in which you reside. For example, if you live in Westminster, then you should complete the Westminster City Council e-admission form.
    You will need to enter details of schools in order of preference. So, if Westminster City School is your first choice, then put our name in the first preference box.
  2. Decide which place you are applying for at Westminster City School. We have the following types of places available: Christian (Church of England and other denominations); Other World Faith; and Open.
    If you are applying for a faith place, then you must supply further details about your place of worship in order that we can assess your application.
  3. Complete and submit our supplementary form, below. You will need to enter details about your child and your faith on this form.
    Completing our supplementary form will also book your son a place on our banding test.
  4. Attend our banding test at our School. The banding test will last for approximately one hour.

Remember that you must submit both your local authority application form and our supplementary form.

You should also remember to read our conditions of admission document, our privacy notice and our support for a Christian ethos document before applying. All three papers can be found under our Admissions policies page.

Please contact our Admissions Officer on telephone: 020 7963 6300 or via email for more information about our admissions process.

Westminster City School - supplementary information form, Year 7

Westminster City School - supplementary information form, Year 7
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