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Geography Association Conference 2023
During the Easter holidays, Westminster City School Geography Subject Leader, Miss Baulcomb, attended the Geographical Association’s annual conference at Sheffield Hallam University which took place from 13 - 15 April, a national three-day conference of CPD sessions, lectures and workshops for teachers and members of the wider geography education community from across the country. The theme of this year’s conference was ‘Collaborative Geographies’.
As part of the conference, Miss Baulcomb presented a lecture with David Gardner (a leading thinker on curriculum and assessment in geography) on behalf of the GA’s Assessment and Examinations Special Interest Group. The title of the lecture was: ‘Progression, assessment and curriculum design working together: a classroom collaboration’.
Miss Baulcomb commented on the event saying:
"Through the lecture, I shared my experiences of planning, designing and implementing a coherent 11-16 geography curriculum with progression at its heart, showcasing Westminster City School's KS3 and KS4 curriculum as an example of how we have worked towards achieving this.
"It was a brilliant experience and I was very proud to be able to share the innovative curriculum work we are doing in the Geography department Westminster City School with a wider audience.
"Feedback about the session has been very positive and there has been a lot of subsequent interest from individuals and schools within our subject community, which I hope will lead to further opportunities to showcase our work and collaborate with others in the future."