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Guest Speaker - Rick Haythornthwaite - Overcoming Adversity and Persevering

8 June 2023

It was an absolute delight for Westminster City School to welcome Rick Haythornthwaite to Palace Street on Wednesday 7 June, an individual with a wealth of experience and knowledge. 

Rick Haythornthwaite is a British business executive who has led several companies including being the Chairman of Mastercard and The Creative Industries Federation. Rick holds a Bachelor’s degree in Geology from The Queen’s College at Oxford and a Master’s degree in Management from the Sloan School of Management at MIT.

Students in Year 12 at Westminster City School were left feeling inspired as Rick spoke about his career journey and how to deal with adversity. The main hall was filled with silence as Rick encouraged those in attendance to “live every single day” and reminded them about “the importance of trying something, even if it fails.”

Cyril, who is Head Boy at Westminster City School’s Sixth Form said:

The talk was very relatable and inspiring. One thing that stood out to me the most was when Rick highlighted that we should surround ourselves with individuals who fill us with energy, ones who provide us with the opportunity to have a substantial conversation with them in and out of work because we cannot expect to do everything alone.”  

Year 12 student, Umar, also commented saying:

"I will most definitely be applying a lot of the points made and the advice given by Rick in his talk. It was an utterly moving experience to be able to hear about his personal life.”

Deputy Head Girl at Westminster City School's Sixth Form, Clariene, added:

“Rick's talk was very inspiring as he faced particularly tough challenges during his childhood and early career, yet he persevered and was able to study at Oxford University. This was motivating as it taught me that you can be successful, and despite facing setbacks you should never give up in life, but to always look ahead."

A special thanks to Speakers for Schools for making this talk possible.

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