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Mouthy Money: Young and Budgeting

4 July 2024

Congratulations to Year 12 student at Westminster City School's Sixth Form, Joel, who wrote an impressive article for MRM Communications highlighting top tips for young people on budgeting. The opportunity presented itself as a result of MRM’s education and internship programme with students from Westminster City School’s Sixth Form which lasted for 6 weeks.

Commenting on the experience, Joel said:

“The programme was first shown to us when Director at MRM Communications, Jenny, came to speak to us in an assembly. Around 16 people applied, and we were lucky enough that they ended up bringing all 16 applicants onto the programme. Coming into the program, I had little interest in financial services, mainly due to a real lack of knowledge of the sector, but I've really seen new connections and perspectives on how financial services interact with our everyday lives.”

Joel, who aspires to become a financial journalist once he has completed his A-Levels at Westminster City School’s Sixth Form continued to explain how much he benefitted from the connections made. He said:

“I've really learned so much that I can take with me in my journey through financial journalism, thanks to hearing from lots of fantastic and wise industry professionals. A key takeaway, that I value so much is the fact that there is no singular path into the financial services sector, you can have zero experience or all the experience in the world, what matters more is your ability to interact with real people and your dedication to learn as much as you can along the way."

The article written by Joel is titled ‘Young and budgeting: top tips for budgeting in your teens - Mouthy Money’ which has been promoted on MRM’s social media channels and featured in their newsletter. Click here to view the article.

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