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Congratulations to Westminster City School’s Class of 2024

23 August 2024

Westminster City School is pleased to celebrate its GCSE results this year with some exceptional individual outcomes for students and a standard pass rate of 77% across all GCSE grades which is well above the national average of 67%.

The school is above national averages in a key range of attainment outcomes based on figures from last year and we anticipate that, once all the national data is known, results will continue to be well above average for boys. There is therefore much to be proud of.

Amongst a string of top performances, the following students excelled:

Kavitharen V              6x Grade 9, 2x Grade 8 and 2x Grade 7

Matteo M                     6x Grade 9, 2x Grade 8, 1x Grade 7 and 1x Grade 5

Antoine S                     3x Grade 9, 1x Distinction*, 3x Grade 8 and 3x Grade 7

Antonio H                   2x Grade 9, 5x Grade 8, 1x Grade 7 and 2x Grade 6

Jonathan K                1x Grade 9, 4x Grade 8, 4x Grade 7 and 1 Distinction

Tobi O                           1x Grade 9, 6x Grade 8 and 3x Grade 6

Akash D                       2x Grade 9, 2x Grade 8, 3x Grade 7 and 3x Grade 6

James L                        1x Grade 9, 2x Grade 8, 3x Grade 7 and 3x Grade 6

Tetteh M-A                 3x Grade 8, 5x Grade 7 and 2x Grade 6

Ademola A                  1x Grade 8, 6x Grade 7 and 3x Grade 6

Matteo, who achieved six Grade 9s, two Grade 8s, one Grade 7 and one Grade 5 was extremely happy about his GCSE results and will continue his post-16 studies at Westminster City School’s Sixth Form.

He commented saying:

“To say that I am happy about my GCSE results is an understatement because these results are due to my hard work over the last few months. In fact, my 5 years at Westminster City School have been filled with rigorous work in all my subjects which prepared me to do my utmost during my exams.

“When I started my journey at Westminster City School, I was able to adapt very quickly, and this was only possible due to the remarkable environment at the school. I really like the fact that it is easy to build a good rapport with the teachers and staff; I have never needed something that the school could not provide. Everything that students need to succeed is here.

“I am really looking forward to joining Westminster City School’s Sixth Form where I will be able to take on a new challenge and plan ahead for a successful future.”

Commenting on this year’s GCSE results, Headteacher, Mr Peter Broughton, said:

“I am pleased with many aspects of this year’s results although there are some areas for improvement. Our outcomes remain above our 2019 results which reflected the usual pattern before the pandemic. The students faced the challenges of COVID early in their secondary school career and have shown resilience and character to get to this point.

“We look forward to welcoming many of our top performers back into our extremely popular Sixth Form and wish those who are moving on to fresh challenges all the very best. Staff have gone ‘above and beyond’ in terms of the efforts they have put in to support students throughout their five-year journey to date and I am extremely grateful to them for this. As our Sixth Form grows, benefitting from our position in the Heart of London and everything location delivers to WCS, so our aspirations for GCSEs grow. There can be no complacency in aspiring to get ever more of our younger students in a position to join the Sixth Form.”

Tobi, who achieved one Grade 9, six Grade 8s and three Grade 6s, commented on his results saying:

“I am elated with my grades because I worked extremely hard in class, remained focused on my goals, and listened to the advice from teachers at Westminster City School about how to revise effectively using effective techniques.

“My next step is to continue my seven-year journey by studying A-levels at Westminster City School’s Sixth Form. I am confident in my decision because I know that the school will continue to support me to attend a Russell Group university where I will be able to study Mechanical Engineering.”

Antonio, who achieved two Grade 9s, five Grade 8s, one Grade 7 and two Grade 6s, said:

“I am incredibly happy with the grades I have achieved, and I cannot wait to start my new journey at Westminster City School’s Sixth Form where I will continue to grow and develop as a person. My five-year journey at the school has been filled with superb teachers who have never failed to support me in all aspects of my life.”

Assistant Headteacher, Ms Katie Dennis, said:

“Most of our Year 11 students have been at Westminster City School since Year 7 and it has been wonderful to see them develop, grow and learn over the last five years. I am so proud of the hard work and resilience they have demonstrated, particularly over the last couple of years, and I look forward to seeing many complete their seven-year journey with us, by joining our Sixth Form this autumn.”

Assistant Headteacher, Ms Grace Armatage, said:

“As a school community, we are exceptionally proud of the achievements of our outgoing Year 11 students. I would like to thank the KS4 team and wider school staff who contributed, however small, to our Year 11 students' five-year journey here at Westminster City School. We have many students joining Westminster City School’s Sixth Form, and we are excited to welcome these students back. I would also like to reiterate, to those students going to different post-16 destinations, that they will always have our support as a Westminster City School Alumni.”

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