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Students Explore TfL Museum Depot
Recently, ten students from the SEND department had the unique opportunity to visit the Transport for London (TfL) Museum Depot and participate in their brand new Inspire Engineering course. The depot, rarely open to the public, houses over 340,000 artefacts related to London’s transport history and operates as a working museum, where engineers meticulously restore important equipment and artefacts.
The Inspire Engineering course offered students an insight into the various types of engineering that support London’s transport system and explored potential careers within the industry. The students enjoyed a private tour of the depot, where they uncovered fascinating facts about London transport. For example, early escalators were designed with a spiral pattern but were abandoned due to safety concerns.
A highlight of the day was the opportunity for students to meet two current TfL engineers. They interviewed the engineers about their roles and career paths, gaining valuable knowledge about industry. The experience concluded with a team challenge, where students designed an eco-friendly town with good transport links, putting into practise all that they learnt throughout the duration of the day.
The entire department and students had an incredible experience and extend their heartfelt thanks to Transport for London for this amazing opportunity.
Student Reflections:
"It was extremely engaging." – Otto, 7W
"I enjoyed how we worked on our team-building skills while learning about the history of the Tube and buses." – Oscar, 9D
"I enjoyed the tour around the depot. It's fascinating to see how trains used to look." – Maksym, 9P
"I enjoyed the trip. It was really fun and interesting to learn about the past and engineering." – Kelvin, 8P
Staff Reflection:
"This was a fantastic trip, thoroughly enjoyed by all. The museum was amazing, with an abundance of artefacts and a wealth of London history. It was exciting that we were able to climb on board a variety of transport from the past. Meeting working engineers was fascinating, and the knowledge they shared with us was not only informative but truly inspiring." – Miss Cooper, Higher Level Teaching Assistant at Westminster City School